DS Museum of Computer Architectures
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Domain Space Draft
Except for links, this is essentially the same as the enwiki version.
( g11n Haskell Lisp Prolog Smalltalk )
NixOS deprecated Quadriga Pubs Drafts
Museum of Computer Architectures
Once upon a time, a systems programmer¹ would have Reference Card(s) like the 6 below².
- 1 Mist 4705: B6800 √. 26 Frost 4705: CANDE √. 23 Frost 4705: IBM 360 √. 26 Blossom 4706: IBM 370 √. 22 Wind 4707: Univac and PDP √.
Δ Lycurgus 15 Seed, 4707 公元 Sun 15:50:00 EDT
¹ And in those days any good programmer. Descending broadly to that level is seldom justified for any programmer today. If I survive iAPX86 will display its bones someplace too.
² Until the last '90s I had the iAPX 432 Reference Manuals which I now regret throwing away.
B6800 Reference Card (1 of 14)
CANDE Reference Card (1 of 18)
System 360 Reference Card (1 of 12)
System 370 Reference Card (1 of 16)
PDP11 programming Card (1 of 10)
1108 Reference Card (1 of 10)