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[[C-Liu|C六]] See the talk page for context.
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<p>C六/d6/d7 apps and wireframes.</p>
** [http://coopixz.com coopixz.com] (C六/d7) <blockquote> A hot-or-not concept as shown in young clients hand drawings. Primary value in continuing this is that there is a module that matches the clients idea, even having the same name. Will move into the app category when a minimal C六 app around the current state  of that Tournament module for the hot or not concept is developed. The developers [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUtyBP1ILw&feature=relmfu 3 part video] shows that the raw material makes this a canonical case pf drupal app development, i.e. of turning disembodied and feckless function mass into a (in this case only part way to) a cohering app. <p>Another thing I want to do here is adapt a [http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=167/167.css CZG theme] to drupal. So intend to turn that one into a front page for the site and a skin over the tournament/match/bracket function.</p></blockquote>
This page was an ugly history of first dozen years or so use of drupal, you have to go back to '18 or so to see it before it was cut back.
** [http://deertraders.com Deer Traders]</b> (d6) <blockquote>had relatively little to do with this but first production level d site (d6) I had hands on. Don't laugh.</blockquote>
** [http://www.principalsonly.org principalsonly.org] (C六書/dn)<blockquote>This is a long standing intent but still just a story plus a stub as of 2012-07, is meant to be the reference app for CLiu. The concept is a [[:en:Local Exchange Trading System|LETS]] (or a GETS if you will since a LETS on the web is inherently global) market with an initial focus on IT jobbing. Starts out with a drupal modulization of an old cgi script for a freelancer site (freelancers 2.9 which I am not redistributing) and a derivative of the Symfony jobeet tutorial adapted for CLiu . </blockquote>
** [http://shewrites.meansofproduction.biz shewrites.com] (C六/d6-7).<blockquote> A standalone version of a <b>[http://shewrites.com womens writing site]</b>, currently on Ning. The plug was pulled on its development in the first week. Maybe developed further (and converted to d&) then pitched to pry them away from Ning<blockquote>
** [http://studentdirectscholarship.org/devOps studentdirectscholarship.org]</b> (C六/d6) <blockquote>This one done from scratch by me. </blockquote>
** [http://geopals.meansofproduction.biz active.companions.dom] (C六/d7) <blockquote> A venture with Zach Weissmanin in which I'm part owner. For that reason and because it has a simplicity SDS doesn't have, it's likely to come to maturity more quickly. Unlike the hot or not concept, this one finds less direct support by a more diffuse layer of underlying pre-exising d6 and d7 modules some of which are just bindings to external systems/services.</blockquote>
**[http://auc.meansofproduction.biz DACLIPS] (C六書/d8) a support site for a generic rule-based embedded data acquisition system).
** These are dead, unchanging, but may be used to test or sumthin.
***[http://gsib.meansofproduction.biz GSIB] a support site for a generic NSIS based Windows installer builder package (originally for <i>Gamestreamer</i>) (d6).
***[http://dtbsns.ai-integration.biz DTBSNS] originally a conceptual prototype based on the MIT SIMILE timeline widget&sup3; Essentially the same as what became the FB timeline, albeit with a radically different capitalization. (d6).
[&para; that was here moved to discussion page]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&sup1; <small>Whose principal goak, outside of works for hire is a "dominion system", a construct to support distributed peer-peer networking, domain driven development, the Quadriga.</small><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&sup2; <small>[http://symfony.com/blog/symfony2-meets-drupal-8 Drupal 8] will be Symfony based. Free software but only with purchase of some service offering.</small><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&sup3; <small>Drupal Timeline Based Social Networking System. Exploitation of DTBSNS itself as such, other than for the p&aelig;dogogic and development purpose used here is restricted by a prior agreement. All above that aren't my internal apps are similarly bespoke.</small>
[[C-Liu|<b>To Drupal/C-Liu Page</b>]]
[[C5|<b>To PHP CMS Page</b>]]<br/><br/>

Latest revision as of 00:19, 27 March 2021

C六 See the talk page for context.

This page was an ugly history of first dozen years or so use of drupal, you have to go back to '18 or so to see it before it was cut back.

To Drupal/C-Liu Page