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Names wholly within the alt system lack the linking suffix and are thus not affected by linking suffix rotation.
Names wholly within the alt system lack the linking suffix and are thus not affected by linking suffix rotation.
Operators manage impact if any in their domain spaces across linking zone rotations, including determining their frequency, the echo duration pplicy.
Operators manage impact if any in their domain spaces across linking zone rotations, including determining their own epoch duration policies, above are for core domain space.

Revision as of 00:44, 12 September 2021


Domain Engineering TLD

  KASTALIEN      peer-peer name system ¹

  Alt-rooted: a system distinct from just the public name    system alone is in use.[1]

Beginning in 2019, a migration of content from random distribution over my longstanding 3 ICANN domains*, is in progress, with the goal of almost all content being alt-routed, either same named, ICANN suffix to .dom, or the ICANN/IANA TLD just dropped. As used here. alt root refers to an autonomous peerage that routes TLDs upon discretion of the operators. A reasonable effort for a free service level is committed that just works by:

adding the following name servers, which are non-recursive, in desired order to your active resolver(s):

  • ns.<DS_ZONE>.<IANA_ZONE>
  • . . .
  • ns<n>.<DS_ZONE>.<IANA_ZONE>

where «IANA_ZONE», the linking zone or TLD in the priced name system and, <n> is currently 2, or their ip addresses if your resolver requires it and

where the linking zone assignment epochs are


  1. thru 2022-09 <DS_ZONE> ::= meansofproduction , <IANA_ZONE> ::= "biz"
  2. 2022-10 — TBA

The changing linking zone is key distinction of my version of the alt root concept.

A compromise between stability and flexibility/independence from the priced system is struck by at least 1 year advance notice in the list above of termination of one TLD and 90 days notice of the new one.

The canonical mapping from state actor name spaces such as IANA into .dom is to simply drop the linking zone and replace it by the one its owner designates for use in domain space.

Names wholly within the alt system lack the linking suffix and are thus not affected by linking suffix rotation.

Operators manage impact if any in their domain spaces across linking zone rotations, including determining their own epoch duration policies, above are for core domain space.

* An example is, thoughtcrime.dom is already the reference domain but will route publicly for a while and then only via my root for the .biz suffix. ** will be routed publicly via Neustar for a while after but not as linking zone.

Paid²[2]users have access from recursion and additional basic name services for users below developer class up to continuous live maintenance by intelligent agency for operators.

As used here, the background operation of the public priced name systems are assumed as needed, excluded where desirable, e.g. for privacy or security. Our system is constructed using the standard unix networking software and forms a superspace of the public name system with these properties:

  • Individual operators of the system determine which TLDs they recognize. The system administered here only allocates the TLDs FCFS to operators, it doesn't have the intent of acting as a sole authoritative source even for the .dom name, which operators may override to establish cooperating alt roots. The TLD operators in essence agree to a common real TLD space which they may present internally differently, but which starts with the common public systems plus a single reserved name: ".dom" for their private/peer namespace.
  • IPV6 and TLS are defaults, 4 and plain text special cases.
  • Simple name seeking registrars are prohibited. Registrars must offer the name service free bundled with value added services.
  • A rich default common systems application environment which operators may optionally use is provided in which all users are identified and at least in principle, traceable.

An equivalent function is assumed for peer operators, as provided by my DNS/EPP tooling merged with the FRED Czech NIC software as maintained by me for my Ubuntu LTS targets. End users of the "sameboat/C-六" core PHP-Python CMS have significant consumer level DNS functionality upon sufficient entitlement.

  1. see Alt root
  2. Price for the full SaaS without any physical resources other than control and delivery bandwidth kept under 10 工 per TLD quarter assuming only stability of fiat basket basis of the 工.

³ "clean" means a newly formatted host OS instance; Our modifications of various elements such as letsencrypt included in the SaaS, woven through various process such as SSO, registration, etc.

"A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a cautious reserve. If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot. Therefore a superior man considers it necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately, and also that what he speaks may be carried out appropriately. What the superior man requires is just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect."