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From Cibernética Americana
315 bytes removed ,  10 September 2006
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<iframe src=/csszen width=100% height=1000></iframe>
North American Kybernetik<br>
253 College Street Suite 367<br>
Toronto, ON M5T 1R5<br>
716 834 5015
<table width=100% height=100%><tr><td valign=absmiddle align=center>
  North American Kybernetik is being improved to bring you enhanced service via <b></b> and the
  NAK-CSO (.dom) autonomous community registry.
  COMMODITYSOFTWARE.ORG and AI-INTEGRATION.BIZ will resume normal public service before the end of this month.
<font size=1>Refresh for random design (and [ our original] (cf. javascript of this frame) on average about a quarter of the time). </font>