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From Cibernética Americana
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Neste trabalho, ainda me considero um monoglote inglês, apesar dos vários graus de aprendizado de outras linguagens naturais. Continuo comprometido a romper com isso, pelo menos no que diz respeito ao espanhol e ao chinês, dos quais ainda pretendo me tornar totalmente imerso.<br><br>Al escribir esto, todavía me considero un monoglot inglés, a pesar de los diversos grados de aprendizaje de otras lenguas naturales. Sigo comprometido a salir de eso, al menos en lo que respecta a españoles y chinos, en los cuales todavía tengo la intención de sumergirme completamente.<br><br>
Neste trabalho, ainda me considero um monoglote inglês, apesar dos vários graus de aprendizado de outras linguagens naturais. Continuo comprometido a romper com isso, pelo menos no que diz respeito ao espanhol e ao chinês, dos quais ainda pretendo me tornar totalmente imerso.<br><br>Al escribir esto, todavía me considero un monoglot inglés, a pesar de los diversos grados de aprendizaje de otras lenguas naturales. Sigo comprometido a salir de eso, al menos en lo que respecta a españoles y chinos, en los cuales todavía tengo la intención de sumergirme completamente.<br><br>
Tats&auml;chlich, Deutsche war meine ersten L2, aber Ich bleibe gewidmet an am wenigsten gleichm&auml;&#7838;ige gespr&auml;chf&auml;higkeit in Chinesisch und Spanisch.<br><br>At this writing I still consider myself an English monoglot, in spite of varying degrees of learning other natural langs. I remain committed to breaking out of that at least as far as Chinese and Spanish are concerned, both of which I still intend to become fully conversational in, albeit with a gringo/野 accent, <html><a href=><b style="background-color: aliceblue;">if I can</b></a></html> :),  flags in left nav have a similar drift. Actually not that far from the wiki map except for immersion/depth, French, and addition of some level of Portuguese. Historically, French was first L2, [[LaVerne_Eugene_Daugherty_(July_31,_1922_-_January_17,_1971)|my dad]] took me to a course for a while in 2nd grade, but at this writing, Hochdeutsch is my 2nd greatest competency and am still weak in it for spoken forms. Translations above the German by Google.<br><br>
Tats&auml;chlich, Deutsche war meine ersten L2, aber Ich bleibe gewidmet an am wenigsten gleichm&auml;&#7838;ige gespr&auml;chf&auml;higkeit in Chinesisch und Spanisch.<br><br>At this writing I still consider myself an English monoglot, in spite of varying degrees of learning other natural langs. I remain committed to breaking out of that at least as far as Chinese and Spanish are concerned, both of which I still intend to become fully conversational in, albeit with a gringo/野 accent, <html><a href=><b style="background-color: aliceblue;">if I can</b></a></html> :),  flags in left nav have a similar drift. Actually not that far from the wiki map except for immersion/depth, French, and addition of some level of Portuguese. Historically, French was first L2, [[LaVerne_Eugene_Daugherty_(July_31,_1922_-_January_17,_1971)|my dad]] took me to a course for a while in 2nd grade, but at this writing, Hochdeutsch is my 2nd greatest competency after my mother tongue and am still weak in it for spoken forms. Translations above the German by Google.<br><br>
There's an overlap of Chinese, English, and Spanish speakers but it's a good 3 billion (counting L2 English and Chinese as a single lang) at this writing which is likely a max cover for just 3. Naturally I am finding Chinese more difficult than the IE langs but I have been at it for some time and and am at the beginning stages of being able to recognize bits of subtitles and snatches of conversational speech in the CCTV broadcasts. The first full sentence I recognized was some years ago in a serial drama where a toothless grandmother held up a newborn and said "It's a boy!". </span>
There's an overlap of Chinese, English, and Spanish speakers but it's a good 3 billion (counting L2 English and Chinese as a single lang) at this writing which is likely a max cover for just 3. Naturally I am finding Chinese more difficult than the IE langs but I have been at it for some time and and am at the beginning stages of being able to recognize bits of subtitles and snatches of conversational speech in the CCTV broadcasts. The first full sentence I recognized was some years ago in a serial drama where a toothless grandmother held up a newborn and said "It's a boy!". </span>