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Facetime, the dominion system codeset

Ft <X>


Ft is meant to be 100% agile, extreme, UNIT XP (see Agile Praxis in left nav) whatever, the opposite of my supporting, infrastructure projects which are supported as projects with dedicated Cliubooks and the like. Ft stresses rapid deployment of finished parts of that infrastructure, including much 3rd party software, already in a production state, mashed up and pushed out into a production contexts.

Ft will also be used as exemplary material in the Cliubook projects where its official documentation and support will be.


Ft (facetime) is a project supporting my programming practice as a generic Facebook app.

Whiteboard refers to a sample app used to exemplify the framework, in the old mod_perl CMS page where the first elements were assembled. It's therefore fulfilling design intent if it looks crude and samplish, but production apps using the github app (TBS) and having a minimalist or template derived L&F (see The Chosen Ones) do not.

Typically I'm using the notation 'Ft <X> of which Ft Whiteboard, is the initial model use case, to refer to this variability of the model app.

Ft BizCard: replace the old flash biz card with some practical video .

Registered Facebook Names

  • "Ft <X>"   the core generic app
  • "Facetime" the production SaaS. "Facetime Whiteboard" was meant as a durable trademark distinguishing my app(s) from the many other things called Facetime but currently just have these two and this one shows a random flash app with dominion system SSO via the other.

The list above doesn't include those I've registered for client's apps in my name.


"Ft", "FT WB", "Ft <X>", 'Focal time', Ft5 (current state of HTML5).
At Facebook, I have the app names "Facetime", "Facetime Whiteboard", and "Ft <X>"




Disseminate my other products and services thru a generic Facebook codeset.
Prepare for development of the SaaS as a Cliubook in a single sprint.
Provide video, chat, SSO for the dominion system.

 SaaS GA Release

Not before Q2/3 '12.