Price System Emoluments

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      I only edit the public wikis as a Free Citoyen Some elements on this page are cost priced, a few are zero priced.

Free to the Tx Authenticated

.dom TLD authentication and peering

DNS recursion is available for a token amount, the tx functions as identity protection. TLD operation and provisioning via my DNS/EPP code, for a small fraction of the cost of the big IANA/ICANN registries.


C-六 = ∫ drupal + django ∂ DS. distributed free (here) or bundled with hosting and other paid services (here or at Shopify). Shopify is our current selection in the space of domains such as Wix, Squarespace, etc. NB: only the software itself is free, not services. Developer service requires that class of entitlement.


Versions in the wild are frozen to state before SSO was enabled,
The current HTML5 versions are within the authentication perimeter.
(Go There) and only the Flash version goes thru to actual docs (2018-12-19).

Green Travel Calculator

General mobile app¹ which was originally $1 on Market
but v2 (2017) on Play/Apple store and later free, title links sources.

¹ Generalized from app developed c. 2011-03 for One Penny Per Mile.

Micro Priced

The following are IMU denominated at low priced or millage( < 1工), e.g.: capitation, consumer SaaS.


tl:dr[AK] apps for the personal task management and personal ecological impact accounting domains have base free versions with in-app purchase of premium services which are typically priced in the 1-10 工 per month or quarter range.

capitation, 2nd Class

AKPERSON periodic or one-time capitation, made available in-app in otherwise free apps.

     See also public gitHub account.
     NB: Users id by Google, LinkedIn, or capitation (a token transaction). In general by "Free" I don't mean zero price (cf. Rate Chart and jobbing response card).