Price System Emoluments

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Libre Goods and Services

As in speech, not beer with all sources available at a token price. Primarily selling my own work product and services using compilations and adaptations of FOSS
with exploration of alternatives to the prevailing economic order, whence the title of this page. I edit wikipedia as a public service.

C-六 / DCMS</>

C-六 = DCMS< ∫ DS ∂ drupal / ∂ django . Git/FishEye free access here to sources of the base drupal/django codeset to current AKPERSONs.  

Generally, Developer or greater entitlement required for access to my curated/changed sources which are POSS¹ not FOSS, with any FOSS sources in my github account. In particular complete sources for the entirety of

.dom = DCMS< ∫ DCP(MCP) dDS DCMS> ( ai-integration.dom )

require current developer subscription. DCMSbra and ket are the front and back ends of our domain content management stack.

¹ Proprietary, i.e. © , Open Source Software

Free to First Class

.dom TLD authentication and peering

Various DNS related functions are available in the left Navigation when you are logged in to this domain space, with substantial free functionality, visit the page for details.

Green Travel Calculator ¹ was $1 on Market
but as tl:dr[GT2] on Play/Apple store and later free, with μpriced in-app service.

¹ Stub app demonsrating GPS c. 2011-03 for One Penny Per Mile/Boston NRDC.


tl:dr[AK] apps for the personal task management and personal ecological impact accounting domains have base free versions with in-app purchase of premium services which are typically priced in the 1-10 工 per month or quarter range.


Versions in the wild are infrequently updated,
The current versions are within the authentication perimeter.
(External mock) .


The following are low priced or millage, e.g.: capitation, some in-app services.

capitation, 2nd Class

AKPERSON periodic or one-time capitation entitlement, made available in-app in otherwise free apps.

     See also public gitHub account.
     NB: Users id'ed by Google, FaceBook, or capitation (a token transaction). In general by "Free" I don't mean zero price (cf. Rate Chart and jobbing response card).