Encyclopaedia Galactica

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The New
Encyclopædia Galactica

FOUNDED c. 12020 Galactic Era, -48 Foundation Era, 4702 AK, 116thEDITION
About 'Ideographs'
(skinless,text)117th Edition

The content of this dominion¹ is integrated across several packages, this outermost, we call "the skin" (DCMS-W, the Wikipedia CMS). DCMS-E (uses E a legacy mod-perl based CMS), Lisp or Java 'realms' and other support specific constructs are unified by DMS III . Without a CMS, we're "skinless".

See also: Hodge Podge. CMS | DCMS-W UG | CSS Zen Garden | CL-XSL

¹ ai-integration.biz,  commoditysofware.org,  meansofproduction.biz and others

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