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No change in size ,  17 December 2020
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There's an overlap of English, Chinese and Spanish speakers but it's a good 3 billion (counting English L2) at this writing which is likely a max cover for just 3. Naturally I am finding Chinese more difficult than the IE langs but I have been at it more than 15 years and am at the beginning stages of being able to recognize Hanzi in the subtitles and in snatches of conversational speech in the CCTV broadcasts. The first full sentence I recognized was some years ago in a serial drama where a toothless grandmother held up a newborn and said "It's a boy!".
There's an overlap of English, Chinese and Spanish speakers but it's a good 3 billion (counting English L2) at this writing which is likely a max cover for just 3. Naturally I am finding Chinese more difficult than the IE langs but I have been at it more than 15 years and am at the beginning stages of being able to recognize Hanzi in the subtitles and in snatches of conversational speech in the CCTV broadcasts. The first full sentence I recognized was some years ago in a serial drama where a toothless grandmother held up a newborn and said "It's a boy!".
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<div align=center><html><img height=500 src=https://meansofproduction.biz/images/Rosetta-Stone-in-situ.jpg></html></div>
<div align=center><html><img height=500 src=https://meansofproduction.biz/images/Rosetta-Stone-in-situ.jpg></html></div>

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