MCP-CMS: Difference between revisions

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40 bytes removed ,  2 January 2022
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         <li>upsh (prolog nature)</li>
         <li>upsh (prolog nature)</li>
         <blockquote> Only mcpcms need be set in /etc/shells, the others execute as
         <blockquote> Only mcpcms need be set in /etc/shells, the others execute as commands in a mcpcms session, and only shcl gives a shell like live command line. The other two require a user supplied haskell or prolog script, and are not general interactive shells unless user script includes that functionality. CANDE scope (local or MCP or DCP) is determined by the nature of the node and privilege level.<br> GHC is the haskell implementation. Lisp and prolog implementations are variable, and multiple can be combined.
            commands in a mcpcms session, and only shcl gives a shell like live command line. The other two require a user supplied
            haskell or prolog script, and are not general interactive shells unless user script includes that functionality.  
        Shell scope (local or MCP or DCP) scope is determined by the nature of the node and privilege level.<br> GHC is the haskell implementation. Lisp and prolog implementations are variable, and multiple can be combined.
         The mcpcms level is always present, the others are outer shells adapted for the domain space knowledge engineering context.<br>
         The mcpcms level is always present, the others are outer shells adapted for the domain space knowledge engineering context.<br>

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