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56 bytes added ,  22 June 2024
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   is eponymous from the <a style="background-color:aliceblue;"  href=>original WFL</a> and retains some superficial aesthetics but is radically different in that"
   is eponymous from the <a style="background-color:aliceblue;"  href=>original WFL</a> and retains some superficial aesthetics but is radically different in that"
  <li>The Job is not the top level construct. Jobs are the closest elements to heritage WFL in my WFL but with ops on my MCP rather than the Burroughs/Unisys one.<li>
  <li>The Job is not the top level construct. The Job or App is the closest construct to heritage WFL in my WFL but with ops on my MCP rather than the Burroughs/Unisys one and expansion beyond batch ops.<li>
  <li>In my WFL, Namepace, Domain, and then Job is the top level. Namespace and Domain are elements of a domain space and may span multiple MCP instances but Jobs are limited to a single MCP.</li>
  <li>In my WFL, Namespace, Database, and then App/Job is the scope hierarchy. Namespace and Database are elements of a domain space and may span multiple MCP instances but Jobs are limited to a single MCP.</li>
   In Burroughs systems, WFL didn have as high a profile as IBM JCL, the main punch of the overall system, in an industry installation, would be its system of  transactions and these ran from a database which the Burroughs architecture delivered seamlessly without WFL to terminals as a special db stack. Our WFL is the central driver and basis of our MCP/DCP architecture
   In Burroughs systems, WFL didn have as high a profile as IBM JCL, the main punch of the overall system, in an industry installation, would be its system of  transactions and these ran from a database which the Burroughs architecture delivered seamlessly without WFL to terminals as a special db stack. Our WFL is the central driver and basis of our MCP/DCP architecture

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