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     <ul><li><b>shcl</b> </li><li><b>shhs</b></li><li><b>upsh</b></li></ul>
     <ul><li><b>shcl</b> </li><li><b>shhs</b></li><li><b>upsh</b></li></ul>
     which have the lisp, haskell, and prolog natures, respectively. <b>shcl</b> is the only one which is a full shell, the others are ways to do posix shell things in lang. While in general Lisp and prolog implementations can vary, shcl and upsh require sbcl and swipl, respectively. During early dev, before DCP WFL is available DCP is implemented in these shells plus MCP.
     which have the lisp, haskell, and prolog natures, respectively. <b>shcl</b> is the only one which is a full shell, the others are ways to do posix shell things in lang. While in general Lisp and prolog implementations can vary, shcl and upsh require sbcl and swipl, respectively. During early dev, before DCP WFL is available DCP is implemented in these shells plus MCP.
   <b>mcpcms</b> can be accessed with ssh using the following script. Using the FQDSAgentName syntax is equivalent to what the launch link does in an AKPERSONs session.
   <b>mcpcms</b> can be accessed from various connect points such as the launch link above in an AKPERSONs session.
# save as &lt;fileName&gt; and invoke with &lt;fileName&gt;  &lt;connect-spec&gt; where           
#  &lt;connect-spec&gt; ::= &lt;mcpCommand&gt; &lt;FQDSAgentName&gt; | &lt;ipV6Address&gt;:&lt;port&gt; | &lt;ipV4Address&gt;:&lt;port&gt;
#  FQDSAgentName  ::= &lt;agentId&gt;@&lt;domain&gt;[:&lt;port&gt;]
#  and the values manually supplied from control blocks in the DCMS account profile where connect attempt results will also be available. 
#  The &lt;mcpCommand&gt;.  indicates the station where the script runs is trusted and the responsible AKPERSON is the operator.
if [ -z $2 ] then
# Try a connect based on just the FQDSA assuming an eligible station.
# With no &lt;mcpCommand&gt; specified, a DCP determined default shell type is connected.
  ssh  $1
PARMS=$(curl -L $FQDSA)
ssh $PARMS
  <b>mcpcms</b> is implemented first for MCP nodes and cells which are whole or containerized linux instances. Cloud compute resources are dynamically provisioned using either system
  <b>mcpcms</b> is implemented first for MCP nodes and cells which are whole or containerized linux instances. Cloud compute resources are dynamically provisioned using either system
  inventory or user supplied provisioning credentials with the MCP supported cloud vendors. Later MCP for Mac and Windows will allow cells there and a version supporting Hercules will use  
  inventory or user supplied provisioning credentials with the MCP supported cloud vendors. Later MCP for Mac and Windows will allow cells there and a version supporting Hercules will use  

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