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Γaian Confederation, the first 1500 years

  • 大地
    • Enterprise Zone
      1. Confederation Territories (Antarctica, the continental shelves and deep oceans, everything else not in the 8 unions, near earth orbit and moon as autonomous local Confederation subjects)
      2. Greater Solar System (the other non-union, from lunar orbit to the heliopause)
      3. Oceania (Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, PolyAustronesia)
    • Global South
      1. Ujamma (subsaharan union)
      2. Ummah (fully secularized, non-denominational cultural islam)
    • New and Old Worlds
      1. 中国
      2. America, the super continent, including the Blue States and Provinces of Old North America and Free Quebec
      3. Anglosphere — Australia, England, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, the Red States and Provinces of Old North America, and Wales.
      4. Bharat
      5. Eurasia ( Non-european republics of the USSR, Greater Russia at the founding of the Confederation)
      6. Europe (EU at the founding of the Confederation)
  • 天下
    • Sphere of Influence

The geocentric sphere with 50 light year (20 parsec) radius is now known to contain hundreds of planets likely including habitable in red dwarf systems. With our present physics, the physical challenges besides unknowns of inertial interstellar travel can be summarised by the ability to use the energy in ~ 10K metric tonnes of matter at sufficient efficiency. Assuming this is a doable thing, it's reasonable to think in a thousand years this region would have been explored and where possible and not already so, populated.

The biggest unknown is whether or not there is an existing cosmic civilization which we will be joining, already in progress. In that case it really is impossible to say what would happen since the odds are that that civilization is so advanced compared to our current that everything we know as limitations that isn't really and truly a limitation would be eliminated, assuming the superior civilization is open to us and we are willing to enter. Some things can be surmised though, including the much more rapid population of the local region, since this area is reachable given conceivable advances we might make in the next few centuries on our own.

I assume an ordering of frequency like this: planets, habitable planets, planets with living ecosystems, planets with intelligent life. The last I assume is so rare that the expected number arising natively in the local region is zero or one and will remain so even after we get some idea of the actual rates. As an extension of that, I assume there's no current large scale colonization of the galaxy and that had there been one in the past it would still be around although I do presume that if it is possible it has occurred in some galaxy.