*D8 branch is for development only, see front page of the extension for more.This page talks about the names I've given my drupal things
The sameboat verticals and SaaS are its proving ground.
C六 is just my integration of Drupal, Django, and SQL-Ledger. Its sources are available here to developer class users. DRUPAL-A is a name style that refers to a mature C六 operating in a DS/DCMS context with stable interop of the elements exemplified in production MCP/DCP job contexts (i.e. ones supporting populated public venues).
Pursuant to the security issue with drupal 7.59/8.5.3, the sameboat app (essentially C六 applied to different lines of biz) was rebuilt from scratch and from that point maintains a clean line of descent, with only forward deployments from the clean environment, issues such as SA-CORE-2018-004 are wiped by deployments to the wild, as they arise.
Django for py2 is supported until drupal 9 is released, everything py2 will be migrated to py3 by that time. The django base is admin, drf, and oscar. Drupal and Django share a database and a common OWL kb. See cliu.sameboat.live for the d8 policy.
C六 can be considered a semantic drupal, distinct from the official project of that name, with focus on my curation of the OSF module and other consolidated elements such as Yild.
The sameboat domain (publicly routed as sameboat.live (D7) and cliu.sameboat.live*) is the model production instance with s d7, sql-ledger, and django managed table spaces and with drf/django admin operational over the whole pg db.
Links below background my drupal use, GMRV was first django iirc.
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