Social media
From Cibernética Americana
The owner of this domain space is also the same person as these users at the given external domains:
Everything2 (e2, c. 2000-14) was my first "social network" experience. Wikipedia was main subsequent one (2006-21).
4720s Sameboat, my social network domain, becomes a thing.
After a long weaning period, my contributions to the public wikipedia are reduced to minor edits with any substantial content developed here instead.¹
- GitHub (github, et. al. in left nav has more links).
Mostly inactive:
- Skype (Juan.Daugherty)
- Wikipedia
Even less active:
Stub or Completely Inactive:
- Facebook/Instagram/Meta
- LiveJournal
- MySpace
- 2nd Life (Lycurgus Zhangsun)
Was active live in news groups, social media, IRC, etc. Now normally only Lycurgus is me live on IRC.
¹ From 4719 (and some time before) I use foreign networks' APIs but not their social networks.
Moses and Aaron Mati Klarwein, 1971