From Cibernética Americana
AOY is the wik-cso.dom rubric.
In terms of aii.biz design targets, it is also a response to the "My" usage in various and sundry software where we mean to make clearer what is Yours and what is Ours.
In myopenprojectspace.com "My" refers to my agency in providing the Open Project Space service as a priced public service.
I reserve this usage in systems written by me for the case where your domain support has been realized in facilities owned or leased by you and intellectual property under your control so the stuff is, in fact, truly yours, subject of course to the licensing terms of any third parties.
- A bout EG (Encylopædia Galactica)
- O ur Documentation
- Y our
- Link here when aii.biz ready to accept account(s).
- Common Platform Basis
- E∫G my NixOS derivation X = .dom (wik-cso dominion)
- Try WFL/DCP SPO open a VM to access the common cloud (requires the squeak plugin in your browser)
- Buy private cloud formation and migration service .