Catalog of Internet Identities
From Cibernética Americana
I¹ see the selection of a Chinese name, c. 4704 as the overture to the second act of working life as a two act play, when I chose:
人 卷
in which the second character can be pronounced as is sometimes my given birth name and 仁 as 姓 , which may be replaced by 任 in deference to Chinese surname conventions and while SFAIK, 仁 人 卷 is unique it likely sounds silly/gender disphoric for speakers of some Chinese langs (I was born and identify as cis-male).
You can also call me 生 as spox for intelligent life per se on this planet.
Scene I Act II could also be seen as an Entr'acte with thinning tail between some 40 odd years of professional wage labor and the Act II mode of production. First coding c. 24 CE but more like 34 with systems programmer role due to first professional job all fluff in a DoD pre-contract process, although it was highly valuable for me experience wise, and a timeout in 32/33 before that Burroughs experience which is where I first did coding that people used, or any paid actual code production ftm. Probably didn have my 10K concentrated hours of paid mastery till the late eighties. Praxis looks forward, to Act II Scene II, the RawringTwenties .
Historical nicks:
- ... more detailed list
An unserious Character that is always just me live sans automation and generally just character oriented text, utf-8 at best.
'Live' here doesn preclude afk and this has become the norm with most activity in JD.
System Personæ and IRC
My first memory of IRC is sometime between '95 and '00 when I dealt with a recruiter for some contract work involving it who asked if I even knew what it was. At that point I had only heard about it in general internet books and although I had already transitioned from OS/2 to linux as main OS, I didn actually become a regular IRC user until '02/03. | | By '24/'25 I'd fairly outgrown idle chat and aged out of the common demographic so the seeming situation of old troll and 'chumpy kids' made it the wrong place to be real. The time had come to move on and a more exciting chapter of my IRC story where it is fused with videotelephony and the other myriad services on the CMS network nodes and in domain space generally. | | I still am active by my automation or live here as the bold soldier u may know me to be. But in the tradnets not at the prior level where I generally speak only when spoken to including choral responses when the room is prompted. In some tradnets as u may know, there are no services and nicks arent registered, but the following are at libera, oftc, and teranova ...
The 3 system agents, the first two of which may also be present in traditional irc networks —
- JuanDaugherty
- If marked away automated me, the DCP agent with the prolog nature ...
- If ColinRobinson, just away/inattentive/unengaged and will switch back when not ...
- otherwise me live in a desktop client with graphics/media support.
- Patternmaster
Silent outside DS where it has the lisp nature. Required for a channel to be served by DCMS bot services.
- WorldControl
Based on Colossus/Guardian from The Forbin Project , has the haskell nature and
is the voice² of core domain space.
副 驾 驶 >> NLP is the domain agents IRC interface. NB: these agents aren't LLMs although they include machine learning elements.
PGP Signature: 60011024 <>
Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti
¹ XE DOB: Dec. 29, 1953 Chicago, IL, USA as Juan Edwin Daugherty, 公元 assigned DOB First day of 4706 (1/29/2006).
² Paul Frees thru a vocoder.