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Tele Doorbell

join point for Ft aspect of domain space deployed to the communal networks

Concise story of the Ft 'doorbell', a redvant applet ∫ ∂ {Bitlbee, Jitsi, Synapse} ∂ SB/DS.

Doorbell metaphor: button color tracks network call states
-1    OFFLINE  

Disconnected state, no subscriber or subscriber not Ft authenticated. NOTE: white is not ivory.


Ordinary ringer state, like a backlit doorbell, ready to accept or originate call. Blinking indicates incoming call (slow) or conference (rapid). Double click toggles to BUSY. Single click answers moving to IN CALL.


Agents join the network in this state and may move to it by personal selection or involuntarily due to network events. Single click moves to ATTENTION, double focuses CALL/PAGE input and moved to that state.


A subscriber controlled state which blocks ATTENTION requests until an agent click toggles to ATTENTION or double clicks to OFFHOOK.

3   IN CALL 

A agent moves to this state after connecting to a call assuming no event, such as their or the network having set a different state preventing same.


A network controlled state which indicates incoming events for the agent. It is normal for some such events not to result in actual incoming as for example when the remote agent cancels a message before sending it. The control is inhibited if it is solidly this color .


A state in which the agent has initiated a call, or lookup of a remote subscriber or group. Entered as a result of data entry in UI and subsequent network events determine which state results.

The design intent is that the desktop legend-taskbar default state is collapsed with the desktop, an expand tab/flap and the doorbell.
It is draggable and when connected the doorbell illumination will track the call state.
No common login/profile link for this SPA as it unilaterally connects authenticated stations and ignores others (besides a Jitsi meet passphrase).

Visual cues would need currently unaffordable modifications to generalized sense modalities for accessibility but down the road ... . The system itself is an integration of various of my infrastructures with a derived jigasi client, videobridge server, and as many of the jitsi tools as are useful, which sfaik is all of them.

The overall Ft GUI operates with elements such as the taskbar, main screen, and conferees array with elements in jicofo focus to constrain which subscriber pairs are involved and which gestures the subscriber has available. For example single click on a call state prompts for a subscriber lookup, whereas double click when paired with a selected subscriber initiates a call/page. Similary a device and state dependent gesture will determine the scope of an action, a single pair, the whole conference or a selected proper subgroup.

A distinguished agent in a conference call at any one time is the moderator, with overall control. A special case is the second joiner to a call after the initiator who is implicitly a co-moderator without the ability to transfer moderation (unless the user becomes moderator). Initially it is the initiator, the first caller but thereafter it may be transferred to any party to the call who will then have the following functions available:

  1. Join another conference creating or enlarging a global conference.
  2. Terminate the conference
  3. Stream a service to a set of conferees, all or a group.
  4. Mute, Call, or Disconnect any other conferee
  5. Make the co-moderator an ordinary conferee.
  6. Transfer moderation to another user. If the moderator disconnects from the call and goes OFFHOOK, without transferring moderation, the call/conference is automatically ended.


Conferences may have asides of up to four subscribing agents and these may survive the conference call. A global conference is a special case of a general conference with limitations, e.g. asides and subgroups are limited to local conferences and there is no moderation distinct from that of the local conferences. The moderator of the first local conference in a global one can disconnect any local conference, but otherwise each local conference has the same limited access to the global one. The network itself is not a global conference.