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Pay What You Want Gig

In which I offer service for whatever, over the cover charge ( less than $10 ), if anything, you intend to pay upon completion. This article explains PWYWGs and this one has some related info/tips.

Key Points

  1. These are time sensitive offers for short, ad-hoc, and informal assistance.
  2. For success, clarity is required in what will constitute your complete satisfaction in performance of the job and what, if anything, you intend to pay for it. If you're already a user here the cover charge is waived.
  3. If you do intend more than token payment, but not as an upgrade of your entitlement class to Y or F, it should be by Zelle or similar to my Bank of America business account,
  4. If you like, your support session will be recorded and can be played back from your profile.

Size (and other stuff) Matters

This mode of work is appropriate for tasks or very small jobs, hours or days rather than weeks. A subsequent regular biz case may be possible but none is expected, the general PWYWG is a standalone nano/spot gig.
You don't need to make your judgment of what you intend to pay beforehand as it may change upon live interaction. I'm willing to help you for the S class fee alone to an extent which will vary based on my interest in the task. The day rates in the rate chart give some idea of what I would currently charge in a normal consult. Logically my estimation of the value can't exceed that times the whole number of days.
Positive personal interaction has value. I will let you know early if nothing more than it and the token fee suffice for me. You may still wish to propose a fee in this case as a further incentive.

Infra used in performance

Your participation and observation of what is done during all or part of the job has a support framework or platform within my domain space (DS), which you will be able to use as an Actually Known Person in my domains. The DS App contains various elements of the framework and the cover charge can be paid in-app if you're not already an AKPERSON. Waivers often have attached items and will process thru devops1.

Work Background

You can find out about my professional background from the Praxis link in the left nav. There is a long 10 page resume and areas of this space from my first working life selling my ability to do jobs, something I no longer do. All the more so tasks/jobs such as this page concerns, just advising to avoid an awkward moment. Also ofc you'll see a lot of my work in this space which I call a domain space and which is entirely created and maintained by me alone as distinct from the underlying operating systems, languages, packages, etc..

Instagram     to see what I look and sound like
I don't use Instagram anymore so that isn't going to be updated but there are more recent clips here.