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<div style="background-color: gainsboro;"><br>
<blockquote><center><blockquote style="font-weight: 600;width: 70%;color: white; background-color: black; border-top: 1px solid #e1cc89; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1cc89; margin: 5px;  text-indent: 23px;">
<p style="position: relative; left: 15px;">Agenda for [[Temporality|<span style="color: yellow;">4718-28</span>]] (2020s [[:en:Common Era|<span style="color: yellow;"><i>Era Vulgaris</i></span>]])</p>
@font-face {
  font-family: Papyrus;
# [[MCP|<span style="color: yellow;">MCP/DCP</span>]] &mdash; intelligent OS with mannerisms in homage to mainframes&sup1;
  src: url('https://meansofproduction.biz/pub/papyrus.ttf');
# <span class=plainlinks>[https://sameboat.live <span style="color: yellow;"> C-六</span>]</span> &mdash; php/python Domain CMS
#<html><a href=https://sameboat.dom title="only works if you're routing my alt root">.dom</a></html> &mdash; my [[Alt root|TLD]]
@font-face {
# TASKPM <b>tl;dr</b>&trade; &mdash;  taskwarrior, MS Project, etc.  for DS users
  font-family: 'UWS';
# GT2 &mdash; (<span class=plainlinks>[https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Juan+Daugherty <span style="color: yellow;">Green Travel Calculator</span>]</span>) personal carbon accounting app
  src: url('https://meansofproduction.biz/pub/UpperWestSide.ttf') format('ttf');  
# <span class=plainlinks>[https://github.com/RenRenJuan/YAS3FS <span style="color: yellow;">YAS3</span>]</span> &mdash; yet another S3 client
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
<div style="position: relative; left: 30px;"><hr width="50%" ></div>
    font-display: swap;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Domain driven development,  &nbsp; mecha intelligence,  &nbsp; [[worker capitalism]] &nbsp; are &nbsp;leitmotives.

AutoConsult, doorbell/Ft: legacy labels for intelligent conversational agent and videoconf efforts, respectively.
tl;dr and sameboat name the app product line (with GT2,TASKPM) and applications of C-六, respectively.
<div style="background-color: #301934;">
redvant(is)/dcms< (dcms-bra), and dcms> (dcms-ket), are designations of support layers.
<blockquote style="position:relative;top:5px;"><center>
<html><a href=https://meansofproduction.biz/pub/Phronesis.png style="color:lime;">θεωρῐ́ᾱ  &mdash; φρόνησῐς  &mdash; ποίησις &mdash; πρᾶξις </a><br></html>
<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp&nbsp; &nbsp;<span class=plainlinks>[https://meansofproduction.biz/rawr <span style="color: lime;">Impressum</span>]</span><br><br></blockquote>
<blockquote style="font-weight: 600;width: 70%;color: white; background-color: black; border-top: 1px solid #e1cc89; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1cc89; margin: 5pxtext-indent: 23px;">
<table width=70% style="position: relative; top: -10px; " cellspacing=0>
<p style="position: relative; left:-5px;"> [[Temporality|<span style="color: yellow;">70s CE </span>]] (2020s [[:en:Common Era|<span style="font-family: UWS;color: yellow;font-size:14px;">Era Vulgaris</span>]])</p>
<tr><td valign=top width=30% style="font-weight: 600;color: white; background-color: black; margin: 1px;  text-indent: 5px;"><blockquote style="text-align: justify;">
<p style="position: relative; top: -5px;"> DOPE <ref> [https://devops1.sameboat.network/About%20DCP Domain Operations and Planning Expert].</ref> &amp; [[sovereign Praxis|工 王]]</p>
For the value of the interaction, I remain open to joining a group, either deferring my projects for an agreed period, or in joint development agreements. Moving from seriality in the general open source collective to fusion with a smaller group is not expected in this period, but that belief can be revised by events. Joining a profit seeking concern as anything other than a contract employee would be hypocritical and antithetical to the goal of optimal performance in that mode of production.</blockquote>
<table width=90% style="position: relative; top: 0px; background-color: black; " cellspacing=0><tr><td width=4%></td><td valign=middle width=29% align=justify style="font-family: UWS;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 600;color: white; margin: 1px;  text-indent: 5px;">
</td><td valign=top style="font-weight: 600;width: 70%;color: white; background-color: black; margin: 5px;  text-indent: 5px;">
<p style="position:relative;top:5px;">As <span class=plainlinks>[https://devops1.sameboat.network/dsUserClass <span style="color: yellow;">Equity Class</span>]</span> founder, moving via 工 王 from seriality in,
<blockquote style="text-align: justify;">
to fusion with, the reserve army of labor/FOSS commons.</p><br>
Source code of C-六, GT2, YAS3, and  all supporting code  for the tl;dr product line is available at the minimum entitlement level, actually known (tx-authenticated or invited). At least one developer entitlement for bespoke app support, including any use of the OS/KEE are required. GT2 and YAS3 are completions for projects from the prior decade and are demonstrations and presentation vehicles albeit with maintained production services and in the case of GT2 an app but basically static after 4719.
<p>As Sotware Auteur, operating in select jurisdictions per review as events warrant.</p><br>
<p style="position:relative;top:-5px;">As a fellow [[:en:human|<span style="color: lime;">humong<span>]], sharing the thrill of reaching the milestone of scientific [[:en:situation awareness|<font color=lime>situational awareness</font>]] <span class=plainlinks style="font-size: 12px;">
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/user_talk:Lycurgus <font color=yellow>( as a species )</font>]</span>.</p>
I suppose in the way people talk, MCP/DCP is my passion, the central project and while every 3rd party package I use in its construction is made available here in the form I've found it, I don't intend to release my original sources for the OS product at least in this decade. Everything else is maintained in open source form and can be the basis of various development opportunities. Open source here means available in my domains and for some sources a higher level of entitlement than mere capitation (AKPERSON) may be required.
<td width=1%></td><td valign=top style="font-family: 'UWS';font-size: 14px;font-weight: 600;width: 65%;color: white; background-color: black; margin: 5px;  text-indent: 5px;">
</blockquote ></td></tr>
<blockquote style="text-align: justify;"><p style="position:relative;top:-5px;">
<tr><td colspan=2 style="background-color: black;"><blockquote><hr>&sup1; <font size=1>Mainly Burroughs, with a nod to VM/CMS.</font></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>
By 74 divergent production of cog and machine design concepts gave way to convergent dev of first ops baselines. Independently, an app product line to receive them as support was brought to market with technical debt cleared for a second system by '75 (w/o the effect).<br><br>&nbsp;<span style="font-size:12px;position:relative;left:5px;top:5px;color:lightsalmon;"> The Sistine Chapel took 5 years, static content &amp; Don Knuth started [[:en:TAOCP|<font color=lime>TAOCP</font>]] in 1962.</span></p><br> SAR access to non-DCP sources via the repos link in the left nav.<ref>Sources of C-六 and the tl;dr products are available per entitlement.</ref><ref>Mechanism vs. content:  DCP will remain binary dist, while it's knowledge bases will be in standard file formats. Even documentation will be deferred past the first cohort of knowledge engineers other than myself. Everything else (including MCP) is maintained here in source form and can be the basis of various development opportunities.</ref> Development of a bespoke app, or developer use of the KEE<ref>Our Knowledge Engineering Environment</ref>, requires DevOps entitlement. The 2011 Android Green Travel app is generalized as PCA, android/iOS PMTA app in the tl;dr line. The consumer product lines will be in maintenance after early major function baselines.</blockquote ></td><td width=1%></td></tr></table>
<span style="position:relative;left:7px;text-align:center;" class=plainlinks>[https://meansofproduction.biz/rawr <span style="color: lime;">Impressum</span>]</span>
<br><span style="position:relative;left:20px;font-size: 8px;">In chrono order of completion; Besides DCP, all are in maintenance after mature baseline ...</span><br><span style="font-family: Papyrus;font-size: 14px;color: cyan;">[[:zh:wiki/%E4%BF%AE%E8%BA%AB|<span style="font-size: 14px;color: white;">修身 &mdash; </span>]] Zero-th precedence. Failing it moots projects, if it succeeds failure in them tolerable / temporary.</span><br><br>
<ol style="width:60%;position:relative;left:-7px;list-style-type: cjk-ideographic;">
<li><html><a onclick="return checkRouting();" href=https://sameboat.dom title="only works if you're routing my alt root">.dom</a></html> &mdash;  Domain Space (DS) <ref>The .dom TLD in operation for most of the prior decade, support for it deepening in this one. The name has been routing since c. 2014, encompasses everything else.</ref></li>
<li> <span class=plainlinks>[https://eg.meansofproduction.biz/eg/index.php/C-Liu <span style="color: yellow;"> C-六</span>]</span> &mdash; Domains CMS</li>
<b>[[tl;dr|tl;dr[&lambda;]]]</b>&trade; &mdash;<html> (<a href=https://sameboat.network/personaleco style="color: yellow;" title="Personal Motion Tracking App">PMTAs</a>,
  <a href=https://tl-drak.meansofproduction.biz/products/tl-drtask><span style="color: yellow;">TASKPM</span></a>, </html>
  <ref> Bindings for MS Project, task/timewarrior, etc.</ref><html> <a href=https://yas3fs.ai-integration.biz><span style="color: yellow;">YAS3</span></a></html> <ref> FUSE client and manager for MCP </ref> )
  &amp; <html> <a href=https://devops1.sameboat.network/Tweaks style="color: yellow;">Tweaks</a> &trade;
  for <a style="font-size: 10px;color: yellow;" href=http://market.android.com/details?id=app.greentravel.gt2 >android</a> /
  <a href=https://apps.apple.com/ao/app/gt2-green-travel-carbon-app/id1583117880 style="color: yellow;">iOS</a>
<li> [[MCP|<span style="color: yellow;">MCP/DCP</span>]] &mdash; OS concept with homage <ref>Mainly Burroughs, VM/CMS from IBM. MCP the base OS, DCP the cog arch.</ref></li>
<span style="position:relative;left:20px;font-size: 9px;font-color: antiquewhite;background-color:black;">AutoConsult, Ft: legacy labels for agent and videotelephony infra.<br>
<span style="position:relative;top:-5px;"> tl:dr / Tweaks are consumer app and sameboat group networking, product lines, respectively. <ref>Redvant(is)/dcms< (dcms-bra), and dcms> (dcms-ket), designate stack layers.</ref></span></span>
<hr style="position:relative;top:10px;" width=80%>
<table cellspacing=0 width=90%><tr><td style="background-color: black;"><blockquote style="color:firebrick;font-size:8px;">{{Reflist|3}}</blockquote></td></tr></table>
<div style="position:relative;left:-10px;top:5px;float:right;" >
<audio style="height:12px;" title=" 'Kunst der Fuge' - Bach 1751. " controls source src="https://meansofproduction.biz/pub/KunstDerFuge.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> This page has an audio but your browser does not support the audio element.</audio>
<div style="font-size:8px;color:cyan;"><center>This page has a music track, mouseover for title.</center></div></div>
<img width=150 align=right src=https://juan.ai-integration.biz/xasppage/xasppage.pl?XASPPAGE_STYLE=0&P=RAWR20>

Latest revision as of 15:50, 2 September 2024

θεωρῐ́ᾱ — φρόνησῐς — ποίησις — πρᾶξις

70s CE (2020s Era Vulgaris)

DOPE [1] & 工 王

As Equity Class founder, moving via 工 王 from seriality in, to fusion with, the reserve army of labor/FOSS commons.

As Sotware Auteur, operating in select jurisdictions per review as events warrant.

As a fellow humong, sharing the thrill of reaching the milestone of scientific situational awareness ( as a species ).

By 74 divergent production of cog and machine design concepts gave way to convergent dev of first ops baselines. Independently, an app product line to receive them as support was brought to market with technical debt cleared for a second system by '75 (w/o the effect).

  The Sistine Chapel took 5 years, static content & Don Knuth started TAOCP in 1962.

SAR access to non-DCP sources via the repos link in the left nav.[2][3] Development of a bespoke app, or developer use of the KEE[4], requires DevOps entitlement. The 2011 Android Green Travel app is generalized as PCA, android/iOS PMTA app in the tl;dr line. The consumer product lines will be in maintenance after early major function baselines.

In chrono order of completion; Besides DCP, all are in maintenance after mature baseline ...
修身 — Zero-th precedence. Failing it moots projects, if it succeeds failure in them tolerable / temporary.

  1. .dom — Domain Space (DS) [5]
  2. C-六 — Domains CMS
  3. tl;dr[λ]™ — (PMTAs, TASKPM, [6] YAS3 [7] ) & Tweaks ™ for android / iOS
  4. MCP/DCP — OS concept with homage [8]

AutoConsult, Ft: legacy labels for agent and videotelephony infra.
tl:dr / Tweaks are consumer app and sameboat group networking, product lines, respectively. [9]

  1. Domain Operations and Planning Expert.
  2. Sources of C-六 and the tl;dr products are available per entitlement.
  3. Mechanism vs. content: DCP will remain binary dist, while it's knowledge bases will be in standard file formats. Even documentation will be deferred past the first cohort of knowledge engineers other than myself. Everything else (including MCP) is maintained here in source form and can be the basis of various development opportunities.
  4. Our Knowledge Engineering Environment
  5. The .dom TLD in operation for most of the prior decade, support for it deepening in this one. The name has been routing since c. 2014, encompasses everything else.
  6. Bindings for MS Project, task/timewarrior, etc.
  7. FUSE client and manager for MCP
  8. Mainly Burroughs, VM/CMS from IBM. MCP the base OS, DCP the cog arch.
  9. Redvant(is)/dcms< (dcms-bra), and dcms> (dcms-ket), designate stack layers.

This page has a music track, mouseover for title.